Issue Position: Economic Policy

Issue Position

Our National Debt has skyrocketed to over $18.5 trillion and approximately $124 trillion in unfunded liabilities. To put this in perspective, our unfunded liabilities are nearly two-times the GDP of the entire world. And while we have suffered a serious recession in the recent past, we have yet to experience the impact of the debt because interest rates have been maintained artificially low. This is not a political issue to be debated; it is a matter of fiscal responsibility to be solved. A rational, balanced approach is in order; one that will require disciplined spending and intelligent tax reform.

What if we divorced our federal government from the influence of lobbyists?

What if we restricted federal spending "to provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States" as dictated by the Constitution (Article I, section 8)?

What if we invested in the interests of all of the People of the United States rather than pandering to political constituencies that historically favor a particular Party with their contributions and votes?

What if we allowed States to address issues beyond the scope of Article I, Section 8 as is prescribed by the Tenth Amendment?

What if we indexed the federal budget to the prior year's GDP so that federal spending could only rise with an improved economy?

What if we amended the budgetary requirements that the federal government currently ignores and mandated a biennial budget that must be submitted on a timely basis and adhered to without access to continuing resolutions?

What if we shared non-classified taxpayer-funded technologies with the private sector to stimulate job growth?

What if we found new ways to incent economic expansion rather than inhibit it?
